Revamping DIY to Professional, BCS Website Redevelopment

Elevating Online Presence and Functionality with Our Expert Website Redevelopment Services

Where the Soap Meets the Code!,
Check Out the BCS Auto Care Website

Rev up your clicks and witness the digital glow-up – where BCS Auto Care’s website transforms from DIY to dazzling with our redesign wizardry!


The Challenge

BCS Auto Care, a local car detailing business, faced a significant challenge with their existing website, initially built on WIX. The site struggled to convey professionalism, lacked essential features, and hindered effective customer engagement. The primary hurdle was not only transforming their website into a sleek, professional showcase for their car detailing services but also seamlessly migrating it from WIX to our hosting platform.

The Solution

To address BCS Auto Care’s website challenges, we executed a comprehensive redesign, ensuring a smooth transition from WIX to our hosting platform. The new website now boasts a clean and professional design, incorporating user-friendly contact forms for customer inquiries and detailed wash step procedures for transparent service communication. With easy-to-see package details, including wash procedures, interior treatments, and final touches, customers of BCS can effortlessly understand what’s included in each package and discern the differences between them. This transparency enhances the overall customer experience and decision-making process. The addition of before and after image overlays further showcases the quality of their detailing work. This transformation sets the stage for further enhancements, including the upcoming integration of a booking system, providing customers with a seamless experience.


The Results

The impact of the website overhaul for BCS Auto Care has been immediate and substantial. The new website not only exudes professionalism but has also significantly improved customer engagement. The addition of contact forms streamlines communication, and the incorporation of wash step procedures, along with easy-to-understand package details, builds trust and confidence among potential customers. As we prepare to integrate a booking system, the website is poised to become a one-stop destination for both information and service reservations. The seamless transition from WIX to our hosting platform ensures improved reliability and control over their online presence, establishing BCS Auto Care as a leading local car detailing service in the UK.

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